Case No. 5/2018 JR, dated 11.06.2018, corresponding to the appeal of the assessee Mr. Besim Trezhnjeva against IQC Decision No.14, dated 13.04.2018, related to the transitional re-evaluation of the assessee Mr. Besim Trezhnjeva, shall be reviewed in counselling chambers on Thursday, 26.07.2018 at 10.00 hrs.

The counselling chamber session shall take place at the premises of the Appeal Chamber at “Bulevardi Dëshmorët e Kombit Nr 3. Tirana”

The adjudication panel consists of judges:

Chairperson:   Mr. Ardian Hajdari

Rapporteur:     Mr. Luan Daci

Members:       Ms. Ina Rama, Ms. Rezarta Schuetz, Ms. Sokol Çomo.