Today, on 16.10.2020, at 10:00 h, the Appeal Chamber reviewed in camera the case no. (JR) 40/2018, dated 04.09.2019, corresponding to the appeal of the assessee Arjana Fullani against decision no. 186, dated 23.07.2019 of the Independent Qualification Commission.
After reviewing the case and dismissed by a majority of votes the request of the assessee for the suspension of the adjudication, pursuant to article F, paragraph 3 of the Annex to the Constitution, Article 4, paragraph 5 of Law no. 84/2016 “On the transitional re-evaluation of judges and prosecutors in the Republic of Albania”, as well as pursuant to Article 51, paragraph 1/b of Law no. 49/2012 on “On the Administrative Courts and Administrative Disputes”, as amended , the adjudication panel, composed of Albana Shtylla presiding judge, Natasha Mulaj case rapporteur and members Ina Rama, Rezarta Schuetz, Sokol Çomo, decided to review the case in a public hearing on Wednesday, 04.11.2020, at 10:30 h.