Today, on 12.05.2021, at 10:00, the Appeal Chamber held the public hearing of case (JR) 13/2022, dated 24.02.2022, corresponding to the appeal of the assessee Petrit Bica against decision no. 506, dated 31.01.2022, of the Independent Qualification Commission.
The assessee and his legal representative were heard by the trial panel as they submitted their objections to the IQC decision no. 506, dated 31.01.2022, according to which “it is announced the termination of the transitional re-evaluation process for the assessee Petrit Bica and the prohibition of his appointment as a judge or prosecutor of any level, member of the High Judicial Council or High Prosecutorial Council, High Inspector of Justice or Prosecutor General, for a period of 15 years”.
The legal representative stated that the case of Mr. Bica should have been addressed by the Independent Qualification Commission in reference to the legal provisions of Article 27 of Law 96/2016 “On the status of judges and prosecutors in the Republic of Albania”, as amended, for early retirement and not as completion of the vetting process due to resignation. The assessee stated that the IQC decision is inadmissible, unfounded in evidence and in law.
The assessee responded to several questions of the International Observer of the International Monitoring Operation and one question of one of the members of the trial panel related to the case under consideration.
After being consulted, the trial panel decided to collect as evidence the acts of the assessee attached to the appeal, which are not part of the case file of the Independent Qualification Commission, an act filed during today’s hearing, as well as the acts forwarded by the IQC to the AC.
Once the assessee stated that he no further requests, the trial panel decided to close the judicial investigation of the case and invited the assessee to submit the final conclusions.
During his conclusion, the assessee requested the Chamber to amend the IQC decision no. 506, dated 31.01.2022, in the reasoning, descriptive and enacting part, deciding: “To declare completed the transitional re-evaluation process for Mr. Petrit Bica, without a final decision on the case, as the object for which the procedure has started, has become impossible”.
After hearing the final request of the assessee, the trial panel decided to withdraw to make the final decision, to be announced on May 16, 2022, at 13:00.
The public hearing shall take place in the premises of the Appeal Chamber, at Boulevard “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, no. 3, Tirana.