Today, on 27.05.2021, at 09:00, the Appeal Chamber held the public hearing of case (JR) 22/2020, dated 26.06.2020, pertaining to the appeal of the Public Commissioner against decision no. 229, dated 28.01.2020, of the Independent Qualification Commission, related to the assessee Dritan Banushi.
Following the tasks assigned during the previous hearing, the assessee stated that following the hearing he would state the position regarding the letter of the High Inspectorate of Declaration and Control of Assets and Conflict of Interest (HIDAACI) on the methodology of calculating living cost for the year 2007, during the submission of the final conclusions of the case. The assessee requested to be administered as evidence an expert report that he had prepared in support of his claims, as well as a copy of the documents received from the Independent Qualification Commission to this purpose, such a request accepted by the trial panel.
As the parties had no further procedural requests, the trial panel decided to close the judicial investigation of the case and invited the parties to present their final conclusions.
During the presentation of the final conclusions, the Public Commissioner stated that she stood by all the appeal grounds, as the assessee, even after the submission of the new evidence, had not managed to prove the contrary of the appeal grounds. The Public Commissioner requested finally the amendment of decision no. 229, dated 28.01.2020, of the Independent Qualification Commission and dismissal from office of the assessee.
In presenting his final conclusions, the assessee objected the appeal grounds, maintaining that the financial analysis of the Public Commissioner is only a descriptive, unsubstantiated and incomplete analysis. The assessee requested finally the Chamber the upholding of decision no. 229, dated 28.01.2020, of the Independent Qualification Commission and his confirmation in office.
Once the trial panel heard the final conclusions of the parties, it withdrew in chambers to make the final decision, to be announced on 08.06.2022, at 15:00.
The public hearing will take place in the premises of the Appeal Chamber, at Boulevard “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, no. 3, Tirana.