Today, on 19.01.2023, at 10:00, the Appeal Chamber held the public hearing of case (JR) 47/2020, dated 22.10.2020, pertaining to the appeal of the Public Commissioner against decision no. 264, dated 17.06.2020, of the Independent Qualification Commission, related to the assessee Elona Toro.
The assessee, Ms. Elona Toro, responded to the questions that the case rapporteur addressed during the hearing dated December 21, 2022, in the context of the court debate about the financial analysis drafted by the Chamber, and provided additional explanations in response to the submissions in the previous hearing of the Public Commissioner. In connection with these explanations, the assessee submitted also some documents, which she requested the panel to be collected as evidence.
When questioned by the trial panel regarding the formality of the acts, the Public Commissioner found that one of them, namely, a decision of Tirana Court of First Instance was incomplete in terms of its content.
After being consulted, the trial panel decided to accept as evidence the acts filed by the assessee, except for the decision of Tirana First Instance Court, as it assessed it as incomplete. The court asked the assessee to take a stand, if she needed time to verify the content of this act and bring it back it its entirety, otherwise the interim decision on the non-administration as evidence of this document would be applied.
The assessee stated that she withdrew from the request for the collection as evidence of this act.
Once the parties stated they had no further procedural requests, the trial panel decided to close the judicial investigation of the case and invited the parties to submit their final conclusions.
At the request of the Public Commissioner for an appropriate time to prepare the final conclusions, taking into consideration today’s submissions of the assessee and the documents accepted as evidence, the court decided to postpone the hearing to January 25, 2023, at 12:00.
The public hearing will take place in the premises of the Appeal Chamber, at Boulevard “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, no. 3, Tirana.