Upon decision no. 2/2018 (JD), dated 21.06.2018, the preliminary review panel of the complaint, based on Article 31, Article 31/a, paragraph 2/a, and Article 71/a of Law no. 8577, dated 10.02.2000, “On the organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Albania”, as amended, decided:
To not transfer case no. 2/2018 (JD), dated 17.05.2018, of appellants Ms. Rovena Gashi and Mr. Dritan Gina, for review to the plenary session.
The object of this appeal was “annulment of decision no. 140, dated 11.05.2018, of the Provisional General Prosecutor Arta Marku and annulment of decision no. 141, dated 11.05.2018, of the Provisional General Prosecutor Arta Marku, etc. “.
The preliminary review panel, appointed by lot, was composed of Ms. Ina Rama, case rapporteur, and members Ms. Rezarta Schuetz and Mr. Luan Daci.