Today, on June 11, 2018, the Appeal Chamber announced the decision regarding case No. 1/2018 (JR), dated 27.03.2018, related to the appeal filed by the Public Commissioner against decision No. 2, dated 16.02.2018 of the Independent Qualification Commission regarding the assessee Mr. Adriatik Llalla.
The adjudication panel, pursuant to Article 66, paragraph 1 / b, of Law No.84/2016 “On the transitional re-evaluation of judges and prosecutors in the Republic Albania”, upon the majority of votes of its members, decided:
Modifying Decision No. 2, dated 16.02.2018, of the Independent Qualification Commission, as follows:
- Termination of the re-evaluation proceedings against the assessee Mr. Adriatik Llalla
- Prohibition of the appointment of Mr. Adriatik Llalla as a judge or prosecutor at any level, as a member of the High Judicial Council or High Prosecutorial Council, High Justice Inspector, or Prosecutor General for a duration of fifteen years.
Pursuant to Article F, paragraph 8 of the Annex of the Constitution, the assessee may exercise the right to appeal this decision at the European Court of Human Rights.
The full reasoned decision, including the minority opinion, shall be published within 30 days from the announcement of this decision. The review of this case was declared concluded”.