Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 792, dated 04.09.2024

Registration date: 11.12.2024

Lodged by: Assessee


– Transfer to a public hearing of the administrative case with Act no. 668, Decision No. 792, dated 04.09.2024 of the Independent Qualification Commission, related to the assessee, Ms. Ornela Rrumbullaku, to the purpose of considering the facts and evidence on the merits;

– Amendment of the IQC decision no. 792 dated 04.09.2024, and confirmation in office of the appellant Ornela Rrumbullaku, prosecutor at the Prosecution office at the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction of Tirana.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Albana Shtylla

Rapporteur: Natasha Mulaj

Members: Sokol Çomo, Ina Rama, Rezarta Schuetz

Status: Under preparation

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 801, dated 19.09.2024

Registration date: 11.12.2024

Lodged by: Assessee

Object: IQC decision no. 801, dated 19.09.2014, issued against the assessee Ms. Aulona Bodo, in the part that it failed to accept the request of the assessee to be recognized the status of magistrate and be appointed judge of the Republic of Albania, requesting:

– Amendment of IQC decision no. 801, dated 19.09.2014, as follows:

– Confirmation of the assessee Ms. Aulona Bodo in the position of Legal Advisor at the Legal Service Unit of the Supreme Court with the status of magistrate and her appointment as Judge of the Republic of Albania.

– Due to her judicial career, the years exercised in the position of legal assistant/Legal Advisor of the Supreme Court, be recognized to Ms. Aulona Bodo as years practicing as a magistrate, of “judge” profile.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Rezarta Schuetz

Rapporteur: Natasha Mulaj

Members: Sokol Çomo, Ina Rama, Albana Shtylla

Status: Under preparation

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 793, dated 04.09.2024

Registration date: 10.12.2024

Lodged by: Assessee

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 793, dated 04.09.2024 and confirmation in office of the appellant, Mr. Dashnor Nure, prosecutor at the Prosecution office at the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction of Korça, requesting:

1. The transfer to a public hearing of the administrative case with decision no. 395 dated 08.06.2024 of the Independent Qualification Commission, related to the assessee, Mr. Dashnor Nure.

2. Consideration of the facts and evidence on the merits, by hearing the assessee in a public hearing.

3. The amendment of IQC decision no. 793, dated 04.09.2024 and confirmation in office of the assessee, Mr. Dashnor Nure, prosecutor at the Prosecution office at the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction of Korça.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Natasha Mulaj

Rapporteur: Ina Rama

Members: Sokol Çomo, Rezarta Schuetz, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 800, dated 19.09.2024

Registration date: 19.11.2024

Lodged by: Assessee

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 800, dated 19.09.2024 and confirmation in office of the assessee, Mr. Sabri Kastrati, prosecutor at the Prosecution office at the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction of Lezha.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Albana Shtylla

Rapporteur: Sokol Çomo

Members: Ina Rama, Rezarta Schuetz, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 796, dated 04.09.2024

Registration date: 19.11.2024

Lodged by: Assessee

Object: Overruling IQC decision no. 796, dated 04.09.2024. The conduct by the Appeal Chamber of fair vetting process for the three vetting criteria

Trial panel:

Presiding: Albana Shtylla

Rapporteur: Sokol Çomo

Members: Ina Rama, Rezarta Schuetz, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 803, dated 01.10.2024

Registration date: 11.11.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 803, dated 01.10.2024, and application of the provisions of Article 58, paragraph 2, of Law no. 84/2016.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Sokol Çomo

Rapporteur: Natasha Mulaj

Members: Rezarta Schuetz, Albana Shtylla, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation for trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 788 decision, dated 25.07.2024

Registration date: 11.11.2024

Lodged by: Assessee

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 789, dated 25.07.2024, and confirmation in the office of judge at First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction Korça, requesting:

1. Transfer to a public hearing of the administrative case with decision no. 788, dated 25.07.2024 of the Independent Qualification Commission, related to the assessee Seladin Pysqyli.

2. Amendment of IQC decision no. 788, dated 25.07.2024 and confirmation in office of the assessee, Mr. Seladin Pysqyli, judge at First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction, Korça.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Natasha Mulaj

Rapporteur: Rezarta Schuetz

Members: Sokol Çomo, Albana Shtylla, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation for trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 789 decision, dated 25.07.2024

Registration date: 11.11.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 789, dated 25.07.2024, and dismissal from office of the assessee, Ms. Albana Palaj

Trial panel:

Presiding: Natasha Mulaj

Rapporteur: Ina Rama

Members: Sokol Çomo, Rezarta Schuetz, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation for trial

Subject: Appeal against IQC decision no. 802 decision, dated 23.09.2024

Registration date: 05.11.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 802, dated 23.09.2024, and dismissal from office of the assessee, Ms. Flora Cela.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Natasha Mulaj

Rapporteur: Albana Shtylla

Members: Sokol Çomo, Rezarta Schuetz, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 779 decision, dated 28.06.2024

Registration date: 28.10.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: – Amendment of IQC decision no. 779, dated 28.06.2024, or

– Upholding this decision.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Natasha Mulaj

Rapporteur: Mimoza Tasi

Members: Sokol Çomo, Rezarta Schuetz, Albana Shtylla

Status: Under preparation for tria

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 762 decision, dated 15.05.2024

Registration date: 21.10.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 762, dated 15.05.2024, and dismissal from office of the assessee, Mr. Afrim Shehu.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Albana Shtylla

Rapporteur: Sokol Çomo

Members: Natasha Mulaj, Rezarta Schuetz, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to tria

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 780 decision, dated 03.07.2024

Registration date: 21.10.2024

Lodged by: Assessee

Object: 1. Transfer to a public hearing of the administrative case with decision no. 780, dated 03.07.2024 of the Independent Qualification Commission, related to the assessee, Ms. Rajmonda Berisha; 2. Consideration on the merits of facts and evidence. The reopening of the administrative investigation for the second and third criteria of the vetting process as well, related to the background and proficiency assessment of the assessee, Ms. Rajmonda Berisha;

3. The amendment of decision no. 780, dated 03.07.2024 of the Independent Qualification Commission and confirmation in office of the assessee Ms. Rajmonda Berisha, prosecutor in the Prosecution office at Elbasan First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Sokol Çomo

Rapporteur: Ina Rama

Members: Natasha Mulaj, Albana Shtylla, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 774 decision, dated 14.06.2024

Registration date: 15.10.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 774, dated 14.06.2024 and dismissal from office of the assessee, Mr. Petrit Vukaj.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Rezarta Schuetz

Rapporteur: Albana Shtylla

Members: Sokol Çomo, Natasha Mulaj, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 786 decision, dated 18.07.2024

Registration date: 15.10.2024

Lodged by: Assessee

Object: 1. Transfer to a public hearing of the administrative case with No. 715 Act, No. 786 Decision, dated 18.07.2024, of the Independent Qualification Commission, related to the assessee Neritan Hoxha.

2. Consideration of the case on the merits of the facts and evidence;

3. Amendment of IQC decision no. 786, dated 18.07.2024, and confirmation in office of the assessee, Mr. Neritan Hoxha, Prosecutor at Elbasan First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Sokol Çomo

Rapporteur: Natasha Mulaj

Members: Rezarta Schuetz, Albana Shtylla, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 773 decision, dated 07.06.2024

Registration date: 01.10.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 773, dated 07.06.2024, and dismissal from office of the assessee, Mr. Juljan Haxhiu.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Rezarta Schuetz

Rapporteur: Ina Rama

Members: Sokol Çomo, Albana Shtylla, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 778, dated 28.06.2024

Registration date: 09.09.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object:   Amendment of IQC decision no. 778, dated 28.06.2024 and dismissal from office of the assessee, Ms. Vjollca Spahiu

Trial panel:

Presiding:       Sokol Çomo

Rapporteur:   Rezarta Schuetz

Members:       Ina Rama, Albana Shtylla, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 777, dated 25.06.2024

Registration date: 06.09.2024

Lodged by: Assessee

Object:   Challenging IQC decision no. 777, dated 25.06.2024, with object, transitional re-evaluation of the assessee Saimir Nazifi, Legal Advisor at the Supreme Court, the amendment of this decision, deciding the confirmation in office of the assessee Mr. Saimir Nazifi, requesting:

– Acceptance of the appeal;

– Amendment of decision no. 777, dated 25.06.2024 of the Independent Qualification Commission, under Article 66 (b), and pursuant to Article 58 (a), as well as Article 59 of law no. 84/2016, the confirmation in office of the assessee, Mr. Saimir Nazifi, Legal Advisor at the Supreme Court..

Trial panel:

Presiding:       Ina Rama

Rapporteur:   Albana Shtylla

Members:       Sokol Çomo, Natasha Mulaj, Rezarta Schuetz

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 768, dated 31.05.2024

Registration date: 06.09.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object:   Upholding IQC decision no. 768, dated 31.05.2024,


               Amendment of this decision

Trial panel:

Presiding:       Sokol Çomo

Rapporteur:   Rezarta Schuetz

Members:       Natasha Mulaj, Ina Rama, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 766, dated 22.05.2024

Registration date: 04.09.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 766, dated 09.04.2024, and dismissal from office of the assessee, Mr. Ervin Aliu

Trial panel:

Presiding:       Albana Shtylla

Rapporteur:   Natasha Mulaj

Members:       Sokol Çomo, Ina Rama, Rezarta Schuetz

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 756, dated 09.04.2024

Registration date: 03.09.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 756, dated 09.04.2024, and dismissal from office of the assessee, Ms. Klerona Meçi

Trial panel:

Presiding:       Rezarta Schuetz

Rapporteur:   Ina Rama

Members:       Sokol Çomo, Natasha Mulaj, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 761, dated 14.05.2024

Registration date: 30.07.2024

Lodged by: Assessee

Object:   1. Amendment of IQC decision no. 761, dated 14.05.2024.

  1. Confirmation of the assessee, Mr. Petref Asllani in the office of prosecutor at the Prosecution office at the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction of Elbasan, in the assessment of the three vetting criteria.

Trial panel:

Presiding:       Ina Rama

Rapporteur:   Mimoza Tasi

Members:       Sokol Çomo, Natasha Mulaj, Rezarta Schuetz

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 758, dated 16.04.2024

Registration date: 29.07.2024

Lodged by: Assessee

Object:   – Transfer to a public hearing the administrative case with Act no. 665, Decision no. 758, dated 16.04.2024, of the Independent Qualification Commission, related to the assessee, Mr. Madrid Kullolli.

– Review on the merits of facts and evidence.

– Amendment of IQC decision no. 758 decision, dated 16.04.2024, and confirmation in office of the assessee Mr. Madrid Kullolli, prosecutor at the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction of Durrës.

Trial panel:

Presiding:       Ina Rama

Rapporteur:   Rezarta Schuetz

Members:       Natasha Mulaj, Albana Shtylla, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 742, dated 13.03.2024

Registration date: 26.07.2024

Lodged by: Assessee

Object: Amendment of decision no. 742, dated 13.03.2024, of the Independent Qualification Commission and confirmation in office of the assessee, Hektor Sinanaj, judge at the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction of Vlora.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Albana Shtylla

Rapporteur: Ina Rama

Members: Sokol Çomo, Natasha Mulaj, Rezarta Schuetz

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 759 decision, dated 19.04.2024

Registration date: 19.07.2024

Lodged by: The assessee

Object: Appeal against IQC decision no. 759, dated 19.04.2024, requesting the “Amendment of the decision and confirmation in office of Agron Zhukri as judge at Tirana First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction.


Given that the IQC failed to investigate and therefore made no conclusion regarding the assessment of the other two criteria, it is requested that decision no. 759, dated 19.04.2024 of the Independent Qualification Commission be overruled and pursuant to Article 179/b, paragraph 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, the High Judicial Council (as the body already vested with functional competence for the vetting process) be ordered to carry out the transitional re-evaluation process of the assessee Agron Zhukri for the other two criteria, background and proficiency assessment.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Sokol Çomo

Rapporteur: Natasha Mulaj

Members: Ina Rama, Albana Shtylla, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 754 decision, dated 04.05.2024

Registration date: 18.07.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of decision no. 754, dated 05.04.2024, of the Independent Qualification Commission, and the dismissal from office of the assessee, Ms. Mirela Mishgjoni.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Natasha Mulaj

Rapporteur: Albana Shtylla

Members: Sokol Çomo, Rezarta Schuetz, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 749 decision, dated 27.03.2024

Registration date: 08.07.2024

Lodged by: The assessee

Object: Amendment of the IQC decision no. 749, dated 27.03.2024, and confirmation in office of the appellant Dritan Gripshi, prosecutor in the Prosecution office at the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction of Berat.


• Trial of the case in a public hearing;

• Finding violations of Constitutional rights, as well as rights provided for in the ECHR, during the re-evaluation process of Mr. Dritan Gripshi, prosecutor in the Prosecution office at the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction of Berat;

• Amendment of IQC decision no. 749, dated 27.03.2024, and confirmation in office of the appellant Dritan Gripshi.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Ina Rama

Rapporteur: Rezarta Schuetz

Members: Natasha Mulaj, Albana Shtylla, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 760, dated 26.04.2024

Registration date: 03.07.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of decision no. 760, dated 26.04.2024, of the Independent Qualification Commission, and dismissal from office of the assessee, Ms. Ardiana Bera.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Rezarta Schuetz

Rapporteur: Mimoza Tasi

Members: Sokol Çomo, Natasha Mulaj, Albana Shtylla

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 744, dated 19.03.2024

Registration date: 01.07.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of decision no. 744, dated 19.03.2024, of the Independent Qualification Commission, and dismissal from office of the assessee, Mr. Artan Hajredinaj.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Rezarta Schuetz

Rapporteur: Mimoza Tasi

Members: Sokol Çomo, Natasha Mulaj, Albana Shtylla

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 767 decision, dated 29.05.2024

Registration date: 25.06.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of decision no. 767, dated 29.05.2024, of the Independent Qualification Commission, deciding:

1. Termination of the vetting process of the assessee, Ms. Sofia Zhila.

2. Prohibition of the assessee, Mrs. Sofia Zhilla, to be appointed a judge or prosecutor of any level, a member of the High Judicial Council or High Prosecutorial Council, High Inspectorate of Justice or Prosecutor General for a period of 15 years.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Rezarta Schuetz

Rapporteur: Mimoza Tasi

Members: Sokol Çomo, Natasha Mulaj, Albana Shtylla

On Tuesday, on 10.12.2024, at 09:00, a public hearing was held on case (JR) no. 23/2024, dated 25.06.2024. The final decision was announced on 12.12.2024, at 14:30.

Status: Concluded (Decision)

Subject: Appeal against the decision of the Independent Qualification Commission no. 748 decision, dated 27.03.2024.

Registered on: 07.06.2024

Initiated by: Assessee


1. Transfer to a public hearing of the administrative case with decision no. 748 dated 27.03.2024 of the Independent Qualification Commission related to the assessee Milan Laskaj.

2. Review on the merits of the facts and evidence by administering new evidence.

3. Amendment of decision no. 748, dated 27.03.2024 of the Independent Qualification Commission and confirmation in office of the assessee Mr. Milan Laskaj, Prosecutor with the Prosecution at the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction, Tirana.

Composition of the trial panel:

Presiding judge: Sokol Çomo

Case rapporteur: Ina Rama

Member: Natasha Mulaj, Albana Shtylla, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation for adjudication

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 743 decision, dated 19.03.2024

Registration date: 06.06.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of decision no. 743, dated 19.03.2024, of the Independent Qualification Commission, and dismissal from office of the assessee, Mr. Gentian Hamiti.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Ina Rama

Rapporteur: Albana Shtylla

Members: Sokol Çomo, Natasha Mulaj, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 757, dated 09.04.2024

Registration date: 30.05.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: 1. Amendment of IQC decision no. 757, dated 09.04.2024, on the confirmation in office of the assessee, Mr.. Erjon Shqarri

2. Suspension from office of the assessee Mr. Erjon Shqarri, for a period of one year and obligation to attend the training program at the School of Magistrates according to the approved curricula.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Sokol Çomo

Rapporteur: Mimoza Tasi

Members: Natasha Mulaj, Ina Rama, Rezarta Schuetz

On Thursday, 26.09.2024, at 10:00, a public hearing was held for case (JR) no. 20/2024, dated 30.05.2024. The final decision was announced on 03.10.2024, at 15:00.

Status: Concluded

Subject: Appeal against IQC decision no. 730 decision, dated 10.01.2024

Registration date: 29.05.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 730, dated 10.01.2024, and dismissal from office of the assessee, Mr. Valentin Preçi.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Ina Rama

Rapporteur: Natasha Mulaj

Members: Sokol Çomo, Rezarta Schuetz, Albana Shtylla

Following the request of the assessee Valentin Preçi to exclude from the trial panel the judge Natasha Mulaj, such a request accepted by decision no. 17, dated 17.09.2024, by the trial panel composed of judges: Albana Shtylla (presiding), Sokol Çomo, Ina Rama, Rezarta Schuetz and Mimoza Tasi (members), the trial panel of case (JR) no. 19/2024, dated 29.05.2024, shall consist of the following judges:

Presiding:        Ina Rama

Reporter:         Mimoza Tasi

Members:        Sokol Çomo, Rezarta Schuetz, Albana Shtylla

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against IQC decision no. 738 decision, dated 22.02.2024

Registration date: 24.05.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 738, dated 22.02.2024, and dismissal from office of the assessee, Mr. Gëzim Çopa.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Natasha Mulaj

Rapporteur: Rezarta Schuetz

Members: Sokol Çomo, Ina Rama, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 735 decision, dated 31.01.2024

Registration date: 21.05.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 735, dated 31.01.2024, and dismissal from office of the assessee, Mr. Dritan Nushi.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Sokol Çomo

Rapporteur: Albana Shtylla

Members: Ina Rama, Rezarta Schuetz, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against IQC decision no. 740 decision, dated 08.03.2024

Registration date: 14.05.2024

Lodged by: The assessee

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 740, dated 08.03.2024, and confirmation in office of the assessee Ms. Pranvera Stafa, prosecutor at the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction of Elbasan.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Rezarta Schuetz

Rapporteur: Ina Rama

Members: Sokol Çomo, Natasha Mulaj, Albana Shtylla

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the decision of the Independent Qualification Commission no. 739 decision, dated 26.02.2024

Registration date: 17.04.2024

Initiated by: Public Commissioner and the Assessee

Subject of the appeal filed by the Public Commissioner:

– Amendment of decision no. 739, dated 26.02.2024, of the Independent Qualification Commission

– To declare the termination of the transitional re-evaluation process for the assessee Mrs. Mimoza Margjeka, without a final decision, because the assessee no longer enjoys the status of the magistrate.

Subject of the appeal filed by the Assessee:

– Objection of decision no. 739, dated 26.02.2024 of the Independent Qualification Commission, annullment of this decision and sending the case for retrial to the Independent Qualification Commission.


– Annullment of decision no. 739, dated 26.02.2024 of the Independent Qualification Commission and sending the case for retrial to the Independent Qualification Commission.

Trial panel:

Presiding judge: Natasha Mulaj

Case Rapporteur: Rezarta Schuetz

Member: Sokol Çomo, Ina Rama, Albana Shtylla

Status: Under preparation for trial

Subject: Appeal against the decision of the Independent Qualification Commission no. 737 decision, dated 13.02.2024

Registration date: 12.04.2024

Initiated by: Assessee

Subject: Amendment of Decision No. 737, dated 13.02.2024, of the Independent Qualification Commission and confirmation in office of the assessee Ms. Majlinda Tosku, legal assistant at the Court of Appeal of the General Jurisdiction of Tirana, requesting:

– Trial of the case in public hearing.

– Amendment of the Independent Qualification Commission’s decision no. 737, dated 13.02.2024.

– Confirmation in office of the assessee Ms. Majlinda Tosku, legal assistant at the Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction.

Trial panel:

Presiding judge: Ina Rama

Case Rapporteur: Natasha Mulaj

Members: Sokol Çomo, Rezarta Schuetz, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation for tria

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 734, dated 22.01.2024

Registration date: 29.03.2024

Lodged by: Assessee


1. It is requested that the consideration of the administrative case pertaining to decision no. 734, dated 22.01.2024 (Act No. 662), of the Independent Qualification Commission, issued to the assessee Ilir Hoxha, be transferred to a public hearing;

2. It is requested the review on the merits of the facts and evidence, also administering the new evidence;

3. It is requested the amendment of IQC decision no. 734, dated 22.01.2024, and confirmation in office of the assessee Ilir Hoxha, Prosecutor at the Prosecution Office at Durrës Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction.


1. Trial of the case in a public hearing.

2. Opening the judicial review and the administration of new evidence.

3. Amendment of IQC decision no. 734, dated 22.01.2024, and confirmation in office of the assessee Ilir Hoxha, Prosecutor at the Prosecution Office at Durrës Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Sokol Çomo

Rapporteur: Ina Rama

Members: Natasha Mulaj, Albana Shtylla, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 736 decision, dated 31.01.2024

Registration date: 29.03.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 736 decision, dated 31.01.2024, and dismissal from office of the assessee, Mr. Gentjan Habazaj.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Ina Rama

Rapporteur: Natasha Mulaj

Members: Sokol Çomo, Rezarta Schuetz, Albana Shtylla

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 725 decision, dated 15.12.2023

Registration date: 21.03.2024

Lodged by: The assessee

Object: Appeal against IQC decision no. 725 dated 15.12.2023, deciding the amendment of this decision and confirmation in office of the assessee Hektor Mushi.


– Admission of the appeal.

– Opening the judicial investigation and the examination of the case in a public hearing.

– Amendment of decision no. 725 dated 15.12.2023 of the Independent Qualification Commission, and confirmation in office of the assessee, Mr. Hektor Mushi, prosecutor at the Prosecution office at the Elbasan First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Natasha Mulaj

Rapporteur: Mimoza Tasi

Members: Sokol Çomo, Ina Rama, Rezarta Schuetz

On Thursday, 31.10.2024, at 10:00, a hearing in chambers was held for case (JR) no. 11/2024, dated 21.03.2024. The final decision was taken on 31.10.2024.

Status: Concluded

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 733, dated 19.01.2024

Registration date: 12.03.2024

Lodged by: Assessee

Object: Overruling/Amendment of IQC decision no. 733, dated 19.01.2024


Overruling IQC decision no. 733, dated 19.01.2024, and remitting the case for retrial with another adjudication panel, or amendment of IQC decision no. 733, dated 19.01.2024 and confirmation in the office of judge at Tirana First Instance Administrative Court.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Sokol Çomo

Rapporteur: Ina Rama

Members: Rezarta Schuetz, Albana Shtylla, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 721, dated 06.12.2023

Registration date: 12.03.2024

Lodged by: Assessee

Object: Amendment of the IQC decision no. 721 dated 06.12.2023, confirming in office the appellant/assessee Françeskina Lekani as a prosecutor at the Prosecution office of Shkodra First Instance Court of the General Jurisdiction, requesting:

1. The transfer to a public hearing of the administrative case with no. 721 dated 06.12.2023 of the Independent Qualification Commission related to the assessee Ms. Françeskina Lekani.

2. Finding violations of Constitutional and legal rights, as well as those provided for by the ECHR, against the assessee, Ms. Françeskina Lekani, prosecutor at the Prosecution office at Shkodra First Instance Court of the General Jurisdiction.

3. Amendment of IQC decision no. 721 dated 06.12.2023 and pursuant to Article 66/1 (b) of Law no. 84/2016, confirmation in office of the assessee, Ms. Françeskina Lekani, prosecutor at the Prosecution office at Shkodra First Instance Court of the General Jurisdiction.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Natasha Mulaj

Rapporteur: Ina Rama

Members: Sokol Çomo, Rezarta Schuetz, Albana Shtylla

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 729, dated 10.01.2024

Registration date: 06.03.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 729, dated 10.01.2024, and dismissal from office of the assessee, Ms. Zena Lila.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Ina Rama

Rapporteur: Mimoza Tasi

Members: Sokol Çomo, Rezarta Schuetz, Albana Shtylla

On Thursday, 12.09.2024, at 10:00, a public hearing was held for case (JR) no. 08/2024, dated 06.03.2024. The final decision was announced on 19.09.2024, at 14:00.

Status: Concluded

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 728, dated 28.12.2023

Registration date: 16.02.2024

Lodged by: Assessee

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 728, dated 13.12.2023, and confirmation in office of the assessee, Mr. Dorjan Tafilaj.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Ina Rama

Rapporteur: Mimoza Tasi

Members: Sokol Çomo, Rezarta Schuetz, Albana Shtylla

Case (JR) no. 7/2024, dated 16.02.2024 was considered in chambers on Thursday, 18.07.2024, at 10:00. The final decision was taken on 18.07.2024.

Status: Concluded (Decision)

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 724, dated 13.12.2023

Registration date: 14.02.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 724, dated 13.12.2023, and dismissal from office of the assessee, Mr. Arben Agovi.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Albana Shtylla

Rapporteur: Rezarta Schuetz

Members: Sokol Çomo, Natasha Mulaj, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 717 decision, dated 23.11.2023

Registration date: 07.02.2024

Lodged by: Assessee


Trial of the case in a public hearing.

Amendment of IQC decision no. 717, dated 23.11.2023, deciding confirmation in office.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Natasha Mulaj

Rapporteur: Albana Shtylla

Members: Sokol Çomo, Rezarta Schuetz, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 710 decision, dated 30.10.2023

Registration date: 30.01.2024

Lodged by: Assessee

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 710, dated 30.10.2023 and confirmation in office of the assessee Herila Çela, Judge at Vlora First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction.


– Trial of the case in a public hearing

– Finding violations of Constitutional rights as well as those provided for by the ECHR, against the appellant Mrs. Herila Çela, Judge at Vlora First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction.

– Administration of evidence attached to this appeal.

– Amendment of decision no. 710, dated 30.10.2023 of the Independent Qualification Commission deciding the confirmation in office of the appellant Herila Çela, Judge at Vlora First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Ina Rama

Rapporteur: Natasha Mulaj

Members: Sokol Çomo, Albana Shtylla, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation for trial

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 711, dated 01.11.2023

Registration date: 18.01.2024

Lodged by: Assessee

Object: Amendment of IQC decision no. 711, dated 01.11.2023 and confirmation in office of the assessee

Trial panel:

Presiding: Sokol Çomo

Rapporteur: Natasha Mulaj

Members: Rezarta Schuetz, Mimoza Tasi, Albana Shtylla

Status: Under preparation to trial

Emërtimi: Ankim kundër vendimit të Komisionit të Pavarur të Kualifikimit nr. 708 vendimi, datë 26.10.2023

Subject: Appeal against the IQC decision no. 708, dated 26.10.2023

Registration date: 09.01.2014

Lodged by: Assessee

Object: 1. Amendment of the IQC decision no. 708, dated 26.10.2023

2. Confirmation in office of the prosecutor, assessee Mr. Mustafa Turku, in the assessment of three evaluation criteria.


1. Amendment of the IQC decision no. 708, dated 26.10.2023

2. Confirmation in office of the prosecutor, assessee Mustafa Turku, in the Prosecution office at Elbasan First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction, in the assessment of the three evaluation criteria.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Rezarta Schuetz

Rapporteur: Ina Rama

Members: Sokol Çomo, Natasha Mulaj, Mimoza Tasi

Status: Under preparation to trial

Subject: Appeal against IQC decision no. 714, dated 15.11.2023

Registration date: 09.01.2024

Lodged by: Public Commissioner and assessee

Public Commissioner’s appeal object:

1. Overruling IQC decision no. 714, dated 15.11.2023

2. Ordering IQC to continue with the administrative proceedings in the context of the vetting process of the petitioner, Mr. Besnik Maho, former judge.

Assessee’s appeal object:

a) Repealing decision no. 714, dated 15.11.2023 of the majority of the members of the Independent Qualification Commission issued contrary to the due process of law;

b) Provision of the constitutional and legal right to be submitted to the vetting process of judges prosecutors in the Republic of Albania, including former magistrates that have exercised the office of judge for more than three years.

Trial panel:

Presiding: Natasha Mulaj

Rapporteur: Mimoza Tasi

Members: Sokol Çomo, Rezarta Schuetz Albana Shtylla

Public hearings held for case (JR) no. 1/2024, dated 09.01.2024: on Tuesday, 16.04.2024, at 10:00; on Tuesday, 07.05.2024, at 10:00; on Friday, 10.05.2024, at 09:00. The final decision was announced on 13.05.2024, at 15:00.

Status: Concluded (Decision)