The Appeal Chamber held today on 31.05.2018 the second public hearing of case No. 1/2018 (JR) dated 27.03.2018, related to the appeal filed by the Public Commissioner against Decision No. 2, dated 16.02.2018, of the Independent Qualification Commission regarding the assessee Mr. Adriatik Llalla.
Pursuant to the decision of the previous hearing, the Adv. Sokol Hazizaj submitted to the adjudication panel the special proxy, whose margins, according to him, were within the legal framework necessary to represent the assessee Mr. Adriatik Llalla in the adjudication taking place at the Appeal Chamber.
After reviewing the proxy, the adjudication panel concluded that adv. Sokol Hazizaj is entitled to represent the assessee Mr. Adriatik Llalla, even in his absence, and declared the judicial review open.
After the Public Commissioners presented their complaint and after the representative of the assessee, Sokol Hazizaj, took the floor, the adjudication panel decided to accept the acts presented by the representative, Mr. Hazizaj, as evidences in this judicial review.
The adjudication panel, after deliberating regarding the request of the representative of the assessee, Adv. Sokol Hazizaj, to provide him a time period of 10 days to prepare the final conclusions, concluded that this time limit exceeds the time limit provided for in Article 302 of the Civil Procedure Code.
Therefore, the adjudication panel decided that the next judicial hearing to submit the final conclusions shall be held on Wednesday, June 6, 2018, at 13.00 hrs, at the premises of ‘Pallati i Kongreseve’.