The Appeal Chamber is an independent constitutional institution established to carry out the Transitional Re-evaluation of Judges and Prosecutors in the Republic of Albania in reviewing appeals against the decisions of the Independent Qualification Commission. The Appeal Chamber adjudicates disciplinary misconducts of Constitutional Court judges, members of High Judicial Council, High Prosecutorial Council, the Prosecutor General and the High Justice Inspector. It reviews appeals against decisions of the High Judicial Council, the High Prosecutorial Council and the High Justice Inspectorate imposing disciplinary sanctions against judges, prosecutors and other inspectors.

Calendar info
Public hearing
Decision day
Camera hearing
Today, on 30.06.2023, at 11 h, was held the session for the election of the President of the Special Appeal Chamber, who shall exercise this office for a 3-year mandate, as of 27.07.2023.
Upon the secret ballot procedure, which took place in the presence of the international observers of the International Monitoring Operation, the candidate Mr. Sokol Çomo was unanimously elected.
This result was approved upon the decision of the Meeting of Judges no.60, dated 30.06.2023.
Mr. Sokol Çomo shall take the office of the President of the Appeal Chamber on 27.07.2023, when the term of the incumbent President Mrs. Albana Shtylla shall terminate.