A lot was drawn today on 09.11.2018 at the Appeal Chamber to substitute the member of the adjudication panel, judge Sokol Çomo, in case (JR) no. 22/2018, dated 19.10.2018, corresponding to the appeal of the assessee Mr. Admir Thanza against decision no. 40 dated 17.07.2018 of the Independent Qualification Commission. Following the drawing of the lot, Judge Sokol Çomo was substituted with Judge Luan Daci

The request of the assessee Mr. Admir Thanza, for the recusal of judge Sokol Çomo was accepted upon the majority of votes with decision no.22/6, dated 06.11.2018, of the adjudication panel composed of judges: Albana Shtylla (chairperson), Ardian Hajdari, Luan Daci, Natasha Mulaj and Rezarta Schuetz, members.

Finally, the adjudication panel of case (JR) no. 22/2018, dated 19.10.2018, shall be composed of:

Chairperson:    Rezarta Schuetz

Rapporteur:     Ardian Hajdari

Members:        Ina Rama, Luan Daci, Natasha Mulaj