Pursuant to Article 65, paragraphs 1 and 3, of Law no. 84/2016 “On the transitional re-evaluation of judges and prosecutors in the Republic of Albania”, the Appeal Chamber informs the participant parties of case (JR) 7/2019, dated 11.02.2019, related to the assessee Fatos Qato, that due to the impossibility of the International Observer to participate in this process at the date notified upon the previous announcement, it shall hold the review in camera on Friday, 08.11.2019, at 11:00 h.

The adjudication panel of this case is composed of judges:

Chairperson:              Ina Rama

Rapporteur:               Natasha Mulaj

Members:                   Ardian Hajdari, Luan Daci, Rezarta Schuetz

The hearing in camera shall be held at the premises of the Appeal Chamber, at: Bulevardi “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, nr.3. Tirana.