The Appeal Chamber informs that today, on 19.01.2021, after considering in chambers the case (JR) no.41/2019, dated 06.09.2019, corresponding to the appeal of the assessee Eugen Beçi against decision no. 171, dated 26.06.2019 of the Independent Qualification Commission, based on Article 51/1, of Law no. 49/2012 “On administrative courts and adjudication of administrative disputes”, as amended, decided to transfer the review of the case to a public hearing, to be held on Monday, 02.02.2021, at 10:00 h.
The review in the public hearing was decided as the trial panel deems that the court debate is necessary for the resolution of the case.
The trial panel for the trial of this case consists of judges:
Presiding: Natasha Mulaj
Rapporteur: Albana Shtylla
Members: Ardian Hajdari, Rezarta Schuetz, Sokol Çomo
The public hearing will take place at the premises of the Appeal Chamber, at: Boulevard “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, no.3. Tirana.