Public Hearing

Public Hearing

2021-10-04 13:53 - 13:53

Today, on 04.10.2021, at 10:00 AM, the Appeal Chamber held the public hearing of case (JR) 60/2020, dated 18.12.2020, corresponding to the appeal of the Public Commissioner against decision no. 316, dated 17.11.2020 of the Independent Commission of Qualification, related to the assessee Ibrahim Hoxha.

After verifying the presence of the parties, the presiding judge ascertained the absence of the assessee or any of his legal representatives, announcing that the assessee has confirmed via e-mail his acknowledgment of this hearing.

In order to continue the hearing in the absence of the assessee, the presiding judge requested the opinion of the Public Commissioner, Mr. D. Sina, who requested that the hearing should continue. After being consulted, the panel decided to continue the hearing by giving the floor to the Public Commissioner to present appeal grounds.

The Public Commissioner, while submitting the appeal grounds, submitted that the re-evaluation process for the assessee cannot be declared closed without a final decision, since the assessee has lost the magistrate status. He requested the trial panel to overrule the decision of the Independent Qualification Commission and order the IQC to classify uncompleted the re-evaluation process for Mr. Hoxha.

Following the consultations, the Judge Rapporteur addressed some questions to the Public Commissioner regarding the amendment of the appeal request, the legal provisions violated by the Commission, the legal basis upon which the appeal and the submissions submitted at today’s hearing are based, etc., for which Mr. Sina provided the relevant responses.

In the end, the trial panel, decided to adjourn the hearing to communicate to the assessee the requests submitted by the Public Commissioner in today’s hearing.

For this reason, the hearing was postponed on 13.10.2021, at 10:00.

The public hearing will take place in the premises of the Appeal Chamber, at: Boulevard “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, no.3. Tirana.

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