The Appeal Chamber has registered case (JR) no. 4/2022, dated 24.01.2022, pertaining to the appeal of the assessee Eda Kaja against decision no. 476 dated 16.11.2021, of the Independent Qualification Commission.
Today, on 08.02.2022, the Appeal Chamber drew the lot to appoint the trial panel, the presiding judge of this panel and the case rapporteur.
The panel appointed by lot is composed with the following judges:
Presiding: Ina Rama
Rapporteur: Mimoza Tasi
Members: Sokol Çomo, Rezarta Schuetz, Albana Shtylla
The Appeal Chamber has registered case (JR) no. 5/2022, dated 27.01.2022, pertaining to the appeal of the assessee Jak Ndoka against decision no. 477 dated 24.11.2021, of the Independent Qualification Commission.
Today, on 08.02.2022, the Appeal Chamber drew the lot to appoint the trial panel, the presiding judge of this panel and the case rapporteur.
The panel appointed by lot is composed with the following judges:
Presiding: Albana Shtylla
Rapporteur: Mimoza Tasi
Members: Sokol Çomo, Natasha Mulaj, Ina Rama
The Appeal Chamber has registered case (JR) no. 6/2022, dated 27.01.2022, pertaining to the appeal of the assessee Ervin Trashi against decision no. 474 dated 12.11.2021, of the Independent Qualification Commission.
Today, on 08.02.2022, the Appeal Chamber drew the lot to appoint the trial panel, the presiding judge of this panel and the case rapporteur.
The panel appointed by lot is composed with the following judges:
Presiding: Sokol Çomo
Rapporteur: Mimoza Tasi
Members: Natasha Mulaj, Ina Rama, Albana Shtylla
The Appeal Chamber has registered case (JR) no. 7/2022, dated 03.02.2022, pertaining to the appeal of the assessee Rexhep Karaj against decision no. 478 dated 25.11.2021, of the Independent Qualification Commission.
Today, on 08.02.2022, the Appeal Chamber drew the lot to appoint the trial panel, the presiding judge of this panel and the case rapporteur.
The panel appointed by lot is composed with the following judges:
Presiding: Rezarta Schuetz
Rapporteur: Mimoza Tasi
Members: Sokol Çomo, Ina Rama, Albana Shtylla
Today, on 08.02.2022, the Appeal Chamber drew the lot for the replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari, appointed as member in case (JR) no. 59/2019, dated 13.11.2019, pertaining to the appeal of the assessee Hysen Keta against decision no. 189, dated 25.07.2019 of the Independent Qualification Commission.
Following the draw, Judge Ardian Hajdari was replaced by Judge Natasha Mulaj.
The replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari was due to his suspension from office by decision no. 13, dated 07.02.2022 of the Meeting of Judges of the Appeal Chamber.
Finally, the trial panel of case (JR) no. 59/2019, dated 13.11.2019, shall be composed of the following judges:
Presiding: Sokol Çomo
Rapporteur: Rezarta Schuetz
Members: Albana Shtylla, Natasha Mulaj, Ina Rama
Today, on 08.02.2022, the Appeal Chamber drew the lot for the replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari, appointed as member in case (JR) no. 62/2019, dated 12.12.2019, pertaining to the appeal of the assessee Dhurata Haveri against decision no. 197, dated 27.09.2019 of the Independent Qualification Commission.
Following the draw, Judge Ardian Hajdari was replaced by Judge Mimoza Tasi.
The replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari was due to his suspension from office by decision no. 13, dated 07.02.2022 of the Meeting of Judges of the Appeal Chamber.
Finally, the trial panel of case (JR) no. 62/2019, dated 12.12.2019, shall be composed of the following judges:
Presiding: Sokol Çomo
Rapporteur: Albana Shtylla
Members: Mimoza Tasi, Natasha Mulaj, Rezarta Schuetz
Today, on 08.02.2022, the Appeal Chamber drew the lot for the replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari, appointed as member in case (JR) no. 5/2020, dated 20.01.2020, pertaining to the appeal of the assessee Brunilda Malo (Orhani) against decision no. 206, dated 07.11.2019 of the Independent Qualification Commission.
Following the draw, Judge Ardian Hajdari was replaced by Judge Sokol Çomo.
The replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari was due to his suspension from office by decision no. 13, dated 07.02.2022 of the Meeting of Judges of the Appeal Chamber.
Finally, the trial panel of case (JR) no. 5/2020, dated 20.01.2020, shall be composed of the following judges:
Presiding: Natasha Mulaj
Rapporteur: Albana Shtylla
Members: Sokol Çomo, Ina Rama, Rezarta Schuetz
Today, on 08.02.2022, the Appeal Chamber drew the lot for the replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari, appointed as presiding judge of case (JR) no. 14/2020, dated 01.06.2020, pertaining to the appeal of the assessee Anila Guri against decision no. 184, dated 19.07.2019, of the Independent Qualification Commission.
The replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari was made due to his suspension from office by decision no. 13, dated 07.02.2022 of the Meeting of Judges of the Appeal Chamber.
Following the lot for appointing the member judge, and then for the presiding judge, the trial panel of case (JR) no. 14/2020, dated 01.06.2020, shall be composed of the following judges:
Presiding: Mimoza Tasi
Rapporteur: Sokol Çomo
Members: Albana Shtylla, Natasha Mulaj, Rezarta Schuetz
Today, on 08.02.2022, the Appeal Chamber drew the lot for the replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari, appointed as member in case (JR) no. 20/2020, dated 17.06.2020, pertaining to the appeal of the assessee Fatri Islamaj against decision no. 220, dated 19.07.2019 of the Independent Qualification Commission.
Following the draw, Judge Ardian Hajdari was replaced by Judge Rezarta Schuetz.
The replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari was due to his suspension from office by decision no. 13, dated 07.02.2022 of the Meeting of Judges of the Appeal Chamber.
Finally, the trial panel of case (JR) no. 20/2020, dated 17.06.2020, shall be composed of the following judges:
Presiding: Sokol Çomo
Rapporteur: Natasha Mulaj
Members: Rezarta Schuetz, Ina Rama, Albana Shtylla
Today, on 08.02.2022, the Appeal Chamber drew the lot for the replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari, appointed as member in case (JR) no. 26/2020, dated 01.07.2020, pertaining to the appeal of the assessee Edmond Hyka against decision no. 223, dated 20.12.2019 of the Independent Qualification Commission.
Following the draw, Judge Ardian Hajdari was replaced by Judge Mimoza Tasi.
The replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari was made to his suspension from office by decision no. 13, dated 07.02.2022 of the Meeting of Judges of the Appeal Chamber.
Finally, the trial panel of case (JR) no. 26/2020, dated 01.07.2020, shall be composed of the following judges:
Presiding: Rezarta Schuetz
Rapporteur: Sokol Çomo
Members: Mimoza Tasi, Albana Shtylla, Natasha Mulaj
Today, on 08.02.2022, the Appeal Chamber drew the lot for the replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari, appointed as rapporteur in case (JR) no. 14/2021, dated 30.03.2021, pertaining to the appeal of the Public Commissioner against decision no. 325, dated 14.12.2020 of the Independent Qualification Commission, related to the assessee Rilinda Selimi.
The replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari was due to his suspension from office by decision no. 13, dated 07.02.2022 of the Meeting of Judges of the Appeal Chamber.
Following the lot for the appointment of the member judge, and then for the case rapporteur, the trial panel of case (JR) no. 14/2021, dated 30.03.2021 shall be composed of the following judges:
Presiding: Sokol Çomo
Rapporteur: Rezarta Schuetz
Members: Albana Shtylla, Natasha Mulaj, Mimoza Tasi
Today, on 08.02.2022, the Appeal Chamber drew the lot for the replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari, appointed as member in case (JR) no. 19/2021, dated 19.04.2021, pertaining to the appeal of the Public Commissioner against decision no. 342, dated 02.02.2021 of the Independent Qualification Commission, related to the assessee Elbana Lluri.
Following the draw, Judge Ardian Hajdari was replaced by Judge Mimoza Tasi.
The replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari was due to his suspension from office by decision no. 13, dated 07.02.2022 of the Meeting of Judges of the Appeal Chamber
Finally, the trial panel of case (JR) no. 19/2021, dated 19.04.2021, shall be composed of the following judges:
Presiding: Natasha Mulaj
Rapporteur: Ina Rama
Members: Albana Shtylla, Mimoza Tasi, Sokol Çomo
Today, on 08.02.2022, the Appeal Chamber drew the lot for the replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari, appointed as presiding judge in case (JR) no. 3/2022, dated 13.01.2022, pertaining to the appeal of the assessee Skënder Damini against decision no. 485, dated 14.12.2021 of the Independent Qualification Commission.
The replacement of Judge Ardian Hajdari was due to his suspension from office by decision no. 13, dated 07.02.2022 of the Meeting of Judges of the Appeal Chamber.
Following the draw, for the appointment of the member judge and then, for the presiding judge, the trial panel of the case (JR) no. 3/2022, dated 13.01.2022, shall be composed of the following judges:
Presiding: Mimoza Tasi
Rapporteur: Sokol Çomo
Members: Natasha Mulaj, Ina Rama, Albana Shtylla
On Wednesday, 02.03.2022, at 10:00 h, the Appeal Chamber shall review in chambers case (JR) no. 20/2020, dated 17.06.2020, pertaining to the appeal of the assessee Fatri Islamaj against the decision no. 220, dated 10.12.2019 of the Independent Qualification Commission.
The trial panel of this case consists of judges:
Presiding: Sokol Çomo
Rappoorteur: Natasha Mulaj
Members: Albana Shtylla, Ina Rama, Rezarta Schuetz
The hearing in chambers will take place in the premises of the Appeal Chambers, at Boulevard “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, no. 3, Tirana.