Decision day

Decision day

2023-12-06 All day

The trial panel of the Appeal Chamber, composed of judges Sokol Çomo presiding, Rezarta Schuetz rapporteur, Albana Shtylla, Ina Rama, Mimoza Tasi members, reviewed in chambers the petitions filed by Mrs. Rovena Gashi for the revision of the final decision no. 12, dated 29.05.2019 of the Appeal Chamber.

The trial panel, following the consideration of the petitions, pursuant to Articles 494 and 498 (1) of the Civil Procedure Code, unanimously for the petitions no. “i”, “ii”, “iii” and “v”, and by a majority vote solely for petition no. “iv”, decided:

To rebut the petitions of the petitioner Rovena Gashi for the revision of decision no. 12, dated 29.05.2019 of the Appeal Chamber, registered as follows:

(i) (JR) no. 10-20/2018, dated 04.07.2021;

(ii) (JR) no. 16-20/2018, date 20.10.2021;

(iii) (JR) no. 30-20/2018, date 06.02.2023;

(iv) (JR) no. 58-20/2018, dated 24.04.2023;

(v) Prot. No. 204/232, dated 27.10.2023.

Announced in Tirana, on 06.12.2023.