

2022-04-22 15:00 - 2022-05-22 16:00

On 22.04.2022 the Appeal Chamber held the hearing in chambers of case (JR) 11/2020, dated 18.02.2020, pertaining to the appeal of the assessee Marjana Velçani against decision no. 222, dated 12.12.2019 of the Independent Commission of Qualification.


The trial panel, after considering the case, pursuant on Article F, paragraph 3 of the Annex to the Constitution, Article 4, paragraph 5 of Law no. 84/2016 “On the transitional re-evaluation of judges and prosecutors in the Republic of Albania”, as well as Article 51, paragraph 1 (a) and (c) of Law no. 49/2012 “On administrative courts and adjudication of administrative disputes”, as amended, decided to consider the case in a public hearing, to be held on Monday, 23.05.2022, at 10:00.


The trial in a public hearing was decided in order to make a full ascertainment of the factual situation and to repeat the collection of the evidence to the purpose of the review of the case.


The trial panel of this case consists of judges:


Presiding: Rezarta Schuetz

Rapporteur: Albana Shtylla

Members: Ina Rama, Mimoza Tasi, Sokol Çomo


The public hearing shall take place in the premises of the Appeal Chamber, at Boulevard “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, no. 3, Tirana.