

2023-06-21 10:00 - 12:00

On Wednesday, 26.07.2023, at 10:00, the Appeal Chamber shall consider in chambers case (JR) no. 43/2021, dated 29.07.2021, pertaining to the appeal of the assessee Gentian Stoja against decision no. 395, dated 08.06.2021 of the Independent Qualification Commission.

The trial panel of this case consists of judges:

Presiding: Albana Shtylla

Rapporteur: Natasha Mulaj

Members: Ina Rama, Rezarta Schuetz, Sokol Çomo

The hearing in chambers will take place in the premises of the Appeal Chamber, at Boulevard “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, no. 3, Tirana.


Today, on 21.06.2023, the Appeal Chamber held the lot procedure for the replacement of judge Ardian Hajdari, appointed as apnel member in case (JR) no. 13/2021, dated 11.03.2021, pertaining to the appeal of the assessee Bardhok Lleshi against decision no. 336, dated 15.01.2021, of the Independent Qualification Commission.

The replacement of judge Ardian Hajdari was due to his suspension from office by decision no. 13, dated 07.02.2022 of the Meeting of Judges of the Appeal Chamber.

Finally, the trial panel of case (JR) no. 13/2021, dated 11.03.2021, shall be composed of the following judges:

Presiding: Natasha Mulaj

Rapporteur: Rezarta Schuetz

Members: Ina Rama, Albana Shtylla, Mimoza Tasi

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