Announcement of decision

Announcement of decision

2022-07-12 16:00 - 17:00

The Appeal Chamber, composed of judges, Albana Shtylla, president, Ina Rama, Mimoza Tasi, Natasha Mulaj, Rezarta Schuetz, Sokol Çomo, members, announced the decision on case (JD) no. 3/2021, dated 30.04.2021, pertaining to the appeal of the petitioner Bujar Memia against decision no. 81, dated 31.03.2021 of the High Prosecutorial Council, with interested parties, the High Prosecutorial Council and the High Inspector of Justice.

At the conclusion of the trial, the Appeal Chamber, pursuant to Article 131, paragraph 1 (f) and Article 134, paragraph 1 (i) of the Constitution, and Articles 71 and 72 of Law no. 8577, dated 10.02.2000, “On the organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Albania”, as amended, unanimously decided:

The rejection of the appeal of magistrate Bujar Memia, against decision no. 81, dated 31.03.2021, of the High Prosecutorial Council “On issuing a disciplinary measures against the prosecutor Bujar Memia”.

This decision is final, binding and enters into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

Made on 30.05.2022

Announced on 12.07.2022