The Appeal Chamber held on 27.01.2022, at 10:00, the public hearing of case (JR) 13/2020, dated 01.06.2020, pertaining to the appeal of the Public Commissioner against decision no. 221, dated 10.12.2019, of the Independent Qualification Commission, related to the assessee Anita Jella.
Following the hearing dated 20.12.2022, the trial panel announced that with regard to the public denunciations, it has decided to investigate two denunciations, for which it shall request additional information from the Prosecution office at Durres Judicial District Court.
The Public Commissioner stated that the denunciations do not contain circumstances or grounds that may need further consideration.
In this context, the assessee, Mrs. Anita Jella, reiterated her position that the claims raised in the public denunciations are untrue and unfounded in law and evidence. To support this position, the assessee, Mrs. Anita Jella filed several new acts, which she requested to be admitted as evidence by the trial panel.
The case rapporteur addressed to the assessee some clarifying questions regarding the public denunciations.
Subsequently, after being consulted, the trial panel decided to accept as evidence the acts filed by the assessee and considered closed the investigation related to the denunciations.
The presiding judge informed the parties that pending the response from the Prosecution office at the Durres Judicial District Court, the parties shall be prepared to present the final conclusions in the next hearing to be held on 07.02.2022, at 11:00h.
The public hearing will take place in the premises of the Appeal Chamber, at Boulevard “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, no. 3, Tirana.