Public hearing

Public hearing

2024-09-26 All day

Today, on 26.09.2024, at 10:00, the Appeal Chamber held the public hearing of case (JR) 20/2024, dated 30.05.2024, pertaining to the appeal of the Public Commissioner against decision no. 757, dated 09.04.2024 of the Independent Qualification Commission, related to the assessee Erjon Shqarri.

During the submission of the appeal ground on the proficiency assessment criteria, the Public Commissioner, Ms. Irena Nino, held that she disagrees with the Independent Qualification Commission, as she considers that the assessee fails to reach a reliable level for his confirmation in office. The Public Commissioner requested the Appeal Chamber the amendment of decision no. 757, dated 09.04.2024, of the Independent Qualification Commission, the suspension from office of the assessee for a period of one year and the obligation to follow the training program, according to the curricula approved by the School of Magistrates.

Whereas when she was requested by the presiding judge to take a position regarding a denunciation filed with the AC, the Public Commissioner stated that she leaves it to the judgment of the trial panel, as the appeal grounds are considered sufficient for the case.

The assessee rejected the Public Commissioner’s appeal grounds, considering them as unsupported in law and in the evidence, and requested the AC to verify the exhaustive evidence administered in the file, deciding to uphold decision no. 757, dated 09.04.2024, of the Independent Qualification Commission, which confirmed him in office.

With respect to the denunciation, the assessee submitted two documents, inviting the trial panel to become acquainted with the legal status of the case filed by the denouncer.

After being acquainted with the documents filed by the assessee, which showed that the case is under consideration in a court of general jurisdiction, the trial panel, pursuant to Article E of the Annex of the Constitution, decided not to investigate the denunciation under the provisions of Article 53 of Law 84/2016 “On the transitional re-evaluation of judges and prosecutors in the Republic of Albania”.

Subsequently, the trial panel invited the parties to submit their final conclusions.

The Public Commissioner and the assessee requested the trial panel to consider as final conclusions the submissions filed by them during today’s hearing.

The trial panel decided to close the judicial review of the case and withdrew in chambers to make the final decision, to be announced on 03.10.2024, at 15:00.

The public hearing shall take place at the premises of the Appeal Chamber, at Boulevard “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, no. 3, Tirana.

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    The trial panel of this case shall consist of the following judges:

    Presiding: Sokol Çomo

    Rapporteur: Ina Rama

    Members: Albana Shtylla, Mimoza Tasi, Rezarta Schuetz

    The public hearing shall take place at the premises of the Appeal Chamber, at Boulevard “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, no. 3. Tirana.

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    Trupi gjykues për gjykimin e kësaj çështjeje përbëhet nga:

    Kryesuese: Ina Rama

    Relatore: Albana Shtylla

    Anëtarë: Mimoza Tasi, Natasha Mulaj, Rezarta Schuetz

    Seanca gjyqësore publike do të zhvillohet në ambientet e Kolegjit të Posaçëm të Apelimit, në adresën: Bulevardi “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, nr.3. Tiranë.

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    The assessee is invited to ensure his presence, or representation through a legal representative, at the next public hearing to take place on 16.01.2025, at 10:00.

    The trial panel of this case shall consist of the following judges:

    Presiding: Ina Rama

    Rapporteur: Albana Shtylla

    Members: Mimoza Tasi, Natasha Mulaj, Rezarta Schuetz

    The public hearing shall take place at the premises of the Appeal Chamber, at Boulevard “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, no. 3, Tirana.